Enrolment information
At St. Margaret’s, we are all responsible for being a welcoming, inclusive Foundation to Year 6 Catholic community. We strive for excellence and take action in a contemporary world through respectful partnerships.
Enquires about St Margaret’s School community are most welcome. The choice of school for your child’s education is of great importance.
St Margaret’s is a Parish Primary School committed to the teachings of the Catholic faith and to the provisions of quality programs, which foster each child’s full and balanced development. We view education as a partnership – a joint responsibility between the school and home, bound by common beliefs and values, in a spirit of mutual support and encouragement.
Here at St Margaret’s, our focus on community, our Catholic heritage and tradition, pastoral care, and quality education make us who we are. The energies of the school community – children, parents and staff are integrated into the understanding of what it means to be a human person created in God’s image, aware of the interconnectedness of all life.
This occurs best when the family and school work together in partnership. If you choose to have your child/children attend St Margaret’s, you can be assured that we will work with you to enable your child to reach their potential.
Students starting school in Prep must turn 5 years old prior to 30th April during their Foundation year at school.
Enrolment applications are accepted at any time. However, the usual timeframe is from February to May of the year before your child starts in Foundation.
Towards the end of April, families and their children will be invited to a personalised guided tour of the school with the Principal.
First-round offers are sent to families at the beginning of May, and subsequent rounds are offered when and if applicable.
If you are seeking enrolment for your child here at St Margaret’s, please complete the application for Enrolment Form.
For new families a non-refundable acceptance fee of $100 is payable once your letter of offer has been returned. This fee will be credited to your first term fees in the year of commencement. If you choose not to attend St Margaret’s at any time throughout your child’s education the fee is non-refundable. It is usual practice for future enrolled Prep students to attend Orientation sessions these dates and time will be communicated with you.
Required Documentation
You will need to provide the following documentation tro support your application for enrolment.
- Child’s Birth certificate
- Baptism certificate (Catholic or proof of other Christian Religion)
- Immunisation Certificate
Enrolment Criteria
There is an agreed order of priority for enrolment at St Anthony’s which must be followed in the enrolment policy and procedures. In Catholic schools, the first priority is the provision of a Catholic education for Catholic children.
Following this, the order of priority for St Margaret’s Primary School is:
* Catholic children who are residents within our zone
* Siblings of children already enrolled in the school
* Catholic children from other parishes (for pastoral reasons)
* Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches who are residents of the parish
* Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches who reside outside the parish
* Other Christian children who are residents of the parish
* Other Christian children who reside outside the parish
* Non-Christian children who are residents of the parish
* Non-Christian children who reside outside the parish
Please take note :
It is MACS policy that both Parents have to sign the enrolment application form for St Margaret’s (unless there is a legal document in place to say otherwise). If only one signature has been included, and there is no document provided please do not submit the application please contact the school to discuss your application further as once submitted there is no access to amend.
Enrolment Forms can be downloaded here:
School Uniform
Children are expected to wear the prescribed uniform each day. The uniform may be purchased from Bellarine Uniforms, 162 Moorabool Street, Geelong (Ph 5229199). The school also provides some second hand uniforms from the office. Parents are asked to clearly label all uniform items.
School Fees
Out of Hours School Care: Kelly Club
Enrolment information